Welcome to Eromanga State School!
We are a small school in South-West Queensland, characterised by large sheep and cattle stations, oil and gas camps and opal mines. Australia's largest sauropod dinosaur, Cooper, was also discovered nearby. We are fortunate to have a committed, passionate and active P&C and supportive wider community.
Our school values of Excellence, Effort and Enthusiasm underpin our school culture. We are committed to providing individualised learning opportunities to ensure all students experience success. Students are given high-quality learning opportunities in Literacy and Numeracy.
In 2023 we introduced a STEAM program, where all students are engaging with Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics concepts through open-ended inquiries and problem solving tasks. Our students use 3D design programs and additive manufacturing to devise solutions to problems and challenges.
Our small school consists of a teaching Principal, Teacher Aide, part-time teaching staff from Quilpie State College, Small School Business Manager, Cleaner and Schools Officer.
Our small school provides a unique opportunity to tailor teaching and learning to each student. Through the collection and analysis of data we create individualised student profiles that support students to be successful, life-long learners.